
楼主是2013.8.10在北美密西根Ann Arbor考的


阅读4篇,第一篇超难,考得单词都不认识,是叫厄尔尼诺和另一个现象对great plain地区的气候影响。。后来的几篇忘记讲什么内容了,但是感觉后面的easier.

听力正常,the first conversation is about a students consulting some questions to the financial support jobs and the employee told the student applies for scholarship will be better.The employee also told the students the complete information is collected in the library.

the second lecture discusses the a wealthy american 将 哥伦比亚 设为 mental hero,并在全美国设立纪念日,说这符合美国精神;so why 哥先生呢?1. many celebrities such as president 先生不想被当做活死人纪念 2.哥先生不是英国派来的,虽然拿了点西班牙赞助,但人家是自己探险到美洲大陆的,哥先生死的早,文集无法考证,后人想怎么解读就怎么解读。professor说那个美国富人只是想让这个young country有自己的民族感,找了这么个Model而已。

the third lecture is related to the art history.说文艺复习时期的很多艺术品很难研究,一个学生说是因为没有签名吗?教授说有点像,但是不是。是因为当时大量的艺术品不是完全被一个艺术家独立完成的,不好评价这个艺术品有哪些人的贡献。因为当时对艺术的需求很多,很多painting & sculpture 是在workshops里面完成的,很多模型已经建好,艺术家在上面做些修饰工作就行,雕塑就更费时间了,所以很多部分都分工出去,最后组装一下。。

第二个Lecture是讲3 ways for plants adapt the extreme weather in desert.(这个好像在TPO上的一篇阅读讲过同样 的内容)第一种,sculplent 什么的,说植物在雨季放肆吸水,然后可以在旱季存水,叶子上有机制防蒸发;第二种,名字忘了,不是特殊名词,就是desert开头的,说这个root很深,旱季也可以吸水神马的。。第三种,是什么种子可以在旱季不发芽,类似休眠一样的存活,碰到雨季再发芽。

the last lecture is about the astronomy, 讲在太阳外发现的star. 有发现Gleain 587 中的D和E两颗什么的,然后说D的轨迹开始说会离host planet很远,后来证明没那么远,挺近的;最后说了E会怎么样,楼主当时听到旁边的人在讲口语,然后就分神了,没太听清,太后悔了,真是耍小聪明害了自己。。。

2.someone prefer studying for exam in the morning, others prefer in the evening.which do you prefer?
3.professor grads all assignments.一个学生在信中写到教授改全部作业,1.教授可以给学生more detailed and helpful comments than TA. 2.professor gets a good sense in this way and can make adjustments.对话disagree. 1.professor has too much work so cannot give specific comments to each students. 2. professor meet TA every week, they can get feedback efficient.
4.memory amenia means the sources of the memory are forgetton. 教授用自己的经验做例子,说他去看他姐姐,看到蝴蝶,就说他想起了小时候,和姐姐Hiking的时候,累死了的想放弃的时候看到了漂亮的蝴蝶,然后就想继续前行;然后他姐laughed at him.因为他搞混了,这个情景出现在他们儿时共同看得电视节目里面。
5.the woman lost her part-time job, so she didn't have enough money. solutions: work for her uncle's coffee house, but it is far away from campus, she doesn't have a car, it takes 1 hour to take the bus. 2. reduce the entertainment cost. but she cannot enjoy with her friends.
6. two adaptations for 北极熊 to survival in the cool environment. 1.the bear has dark skin underneath the fur. so the dark color hold more sun heat.2 there is oil on the fur to isolate the cold water when they are swimming.

综合写作。 阅读说natural gas should be reduced.1. 污染环境,应该大力发展风力等清洁能源 2. 开采时,会带出toxic wastewater,这些水会污染干净水 3. negative impacts like the noise caused by the extraction equipments.so 当地居民会unpleasant.
听力反驳到 1.风力等不能满足需求,natural gas 已经只有coal一半的污染(cause half of the greenhouse gas) 2. 这些水可以深埋地下,与世隔绝 3. 可以带来税收和经济收入就业机会,好处大于坏处,所以当地居民欢迎还来不及。。。

independent writing. keep a record of own experience on the social-networking sites.prefer or not prefer.