课改后CMU ECE与ECE SE-SV对比 21 fall

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准备申请21 fall找工向master,在CMU ECE的两个项目中纠结:一个是MS in ECE,另一个是MS in SE SV Campus。今年CMU ECE选课制度进行了调整,对MS in ECE对选课限制增加了不少。

ECE Master's students in the standard program will take 97 units for their degree, 85 units of which must be from within the College of Engineering (61 from within ECE, 24 from within CIT; see above). This rule applies to all students matriculating fall 2020 or later and to all IMB students who sign their intent form after the start of the Fall 2020 semester.

*Please note: Additional units can be taken beyond the required 97 units described above in order to diversify your course schedule, however, they will not be counted towards the program requirements.

也就是说,MS in ECE需要选5门ECE对课程,并且没法用SCS的课替换。这样的话MS in ECE的选课自由度大大降低了。

现在两个项目的区别就在于5门核心课程,MS in ECE可以在ECE(18)里选,MS in SE只能在限定的7门(选择大大减少)里选5门,之前核心课程里的热门课程Distributed System也没了。

MS in SE core course list ○ Required: 18-652 Foundations of Software Engineering (12 units) ○ 18-653 Software Architecture & Design (12 units) ○ 18-654 Software Verification & Testing (12 units) ○ 18-657 Decision Analysis and Engineering Economics for Software Engineers (12 units) ○ 18-658 Software Requirements & Interaction Design (12 units) ○ 18-659 Software Engineering Methods (12 units) ○ 18-668 Data Science for Software Engineering (12 units)

现在就在纠结应该选择申请MS in ECE还是MS in SE。MS in ECE的优势主要在于核心课程选择面更广一下,MS in SE的优势在于在湾区,找工作更方便一些;劣势在于核心课程选择少,质量堪忧。
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