請有經驗的幫一下:今天收到FSU AD

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I am happy to inform you that the Admissions Committee has recommended your admission to the Masters in Instructional Systems Program with a major in Instructional Systems for Fall 2011 Main Campus .

To view the offical notfication of your acceptance to the University, which includes any conditions of admission and important enrollment information, go to the Online Status Check at admissions.fsu.edu

Dr. Allan Jeong, 3205-E Stone Building, (850) 644-8784, 1point3acres.com, will serve as your advisor and stands prepared to assist you in preparing your initial academic program. Please be sure to meet with your advisor before you register for classes.

Mary Kate McKee will be prepared to assist you with any questions you may have about the program. Please give her a call at (850) 644-8792 or contact her via email at 1point3acres.com.

In order to plan for maximum use of our resources, it is important for us to know whether or not you intend to enroll in our program. If so, we welcome you to the department. If not, we want to have sufficient time to offer your place to an alternate. Please complete this form and return it to us in 30 days from the date of this letter. You can return it to Mary Kate McKee, 3210-B Stone Building, Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4453.

____I DO intend to enroll in the Instructional Systems Program for the Fall 2011 Main Campus.

___ I DO NOT intend to enroll

我一直都知道FSU是ROLLING制度,不過我完全沒想到它這麼快就給我回覆,我是一兩個星期前才寄東西過去,本來想說,大概明年1,2月才會知道結果 {:4_92:}

1. 照這封信來說,我一個月內就要告訴他我的決定,也就是11月中,我還有申請 U OF TEXAS, OHIO STATE U, U OF VIRGINIA, INDIANA U, U OF MASS 這五間,很多deadlines 是在11月底或12月初。  我的顧問跟我說,我可以寫信先去這五間問問我的情況,不過不需要跟他們提FSU AD,大家的看法呢?  我寫信去問,該怎麼問啊? 現在才10月阿 

2. 信裡面沒有提到獎學金的事情,那我可以直接寫信去問他: Any assistantships available?

3. 另外,我顧問說,等兩三個星期後再回覆FSU,可以先答應它,然後等其他學校結果出來,如果我想去其他學校,再拒絕。 大家認為這樣OK嗎? 想不出其他方法了阿 {:4_104:}

謝謝大家,有經驗的麻煩幫幫忙~ {:4_112:}