【求助】 H1B Transfer RFE SO, data analyst

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楼主今天收到h1b transfer的rfe,内容SO,岗位是一家internet insurance company的senior data analyst。信的内容就是常见SO那四点:

1. A bachelor's or higher degree is normally the minimum requirement for entry into the position.

2. The degree requirement is common to the industry in parallel positions among similar organizations or, or in the alternative, an employer may show that this particular position is so complex or unique

3. The employer normally requires a degree or its equivalent for the position

4. The nature of the specific duties is so specialized and complex that knowledge required to perform is usually associated with the attainment of a higher degree

File的LCA code是Business Intelligence Analyst, 加上DA的title,估计都是高频RFE的专业了。律所真的很菜。。。严重怀疑Petition Letter草草了事了 (查了一下H1B HUB, 这个律所帮这个公司去年申请的transfer denial rate差不多有30% 。。)所以想来论坛收集一下大家的意见!

- 楼主是master学位,Business Analytics专业,现在RFE的信里只提了证明BS及以上学历是必须的(估计也是模板), 但楼主这种情况,是否也需要证明MS学历是必要的? BIA的OOH上写的是76%本科,14%硕士,感觉要证明这个岗位需要硕士学历有点难。

- 这个工作是这个公司目前唯一一个title是DA的,属于介于别的analyst和DE之间。。要拿公司在这个岗位的其他人的教育背景来回复有点难。。。 看了一下competitor,有些写了BS + 一大堆别的专业的job posting, 不太确定这种job posting是否可用。

- 看来一下地里的帖子,很多有提到专家信,不知道有没有必要。。。

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