roblox VO 面经

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两周前roblox VO, IC4职位。之间大概和hm聊了3次。
1. Design a omni search system, for given key words, display search results for both games and catalog itesm.
2. Design a wallet system, requirement: A can give B some roblox currency at certain time.
3. LC Browsing history with bookmarks. Also design it with multi tabs. more like a OOD problem.
4. 3 match problem, 1. given a board generate a board for players. 2. generate a board where we can get a 3 match after one swap. 3. generate a board where we can get a 3 match after one swap.

之后要求executive 面,聊了一会,问了一些BQ,还有一些behaviour question。
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