
Thank you for writing and for the nice email. I think your expertise would fit very well with the lab. We are continuing our work usingXXX, and we will start using this device in XXX within the next month. I also have some exciting new xxx projects that you might find interesting.

We do have some other grants in the pipeline to answer your question, but unfortunately I am not sure yet what our funding situation will be like for next Fall due to the US government shutdown, which has delayed the review of my proposals. So at this point I am not sure if I will be able to recruit an international student into the lab. But, I should know in the next couple of months, so I would ask you to apply to the University anyway. That way if I am able to recruit a student then I will already have your application and we can start the interview process earlier. Let me know if you need any help with the application materials.

这个老师跟我方向挺合适,可惜是12年刚刚到XX学校的,还是assitant professor, google scholar citation的影响因子不高~不知道靠谱靠谱?
funding 不确定,我怎么回复合适?需要接下来看他的文章学术套吗?