龟速H1B Transfer - PP

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Case Opened 3/1/2021

Congratulations! Your case has been opened.

Questionnaire Submitted 3/3/2021
Your questionnaire was submitted. Your legal team will review the questionnaire and follow up with you if any additional information is needed.

Documents Uploaded 3/19/2021
Your initial case documents were uploaded. Your legal team will review the documents you provided and follow up with you if any additional information is needed.

Case Assigned to Dedicated Legal Team 3/15/2021
Your case has been assigned to a dedicated legal team. Please reach out to the legal team at any time through the Communication Center if you have any questions regarding your case.

Initial Review Completed 3/12/2021
Your dedicated legal team has completed their initial review of your case. They have determined that they have enough information to begin preparing the case materials, including any needed forms and letters. Please note that they may require additional information as they move forward with processing your case.

LCA Filed 3/15/2021
Your LCA has been filed with the Department of Labor (DOL).

LCA Certified 3/19/2021
Your LCA has been certified by the Department of Labor (DOL).

Case Materials Drafted 3/19/2021
Your legal team has prepared all the necessary case materials to include with your petition, including any required forms and letters.

Documents Approved 3/19/2021
Your legal team has reviewed and approved the documents.

Case Materials Approved 3/23/2021
Your legal team has reviewed and approved all case materials needed for your petition, including any required forms and letters.

Case Sent 3/23/2021
Your case has been sent to the government for processing.

Case Tracking Information 3/23/2021
Your case has been shipped. Your tracking information is now available. To view it, click on the link in the Case Info box at the top of this page.

Receipt Notice Issued 3/24/2021
A receipt notice has been issued for your case.

Case Approved 4/6/2021
Congratulations! Your case has been approved!