Zip Code (U.S.) or Postal Code...网申的时候这个填啥?

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在填网申的表格...碰到了这么个东西。遂上网搜索答案...有的人回答说不用填,可是这个空是必填的。有的人说填00000,还有说查一个表的,广州是GD20...地里的大神们,这个Zip Code (U.S.) or Postal Code究竟该填什么呢?
P.s. 楼主的GRE分数一直查不到...注册过ETS那个GRE的账户了,所有信息都是从NEEA那边儿直接粘过来的,事后也double-check, triple-check过很多遍,信息是没有问题的。可是还是一查分就弹出来这个提示

Important Message[align="left"]The information you provided does not match our records. Please try again.[/align]
  • Be sure to wait 24 hours after registering to access these services.
  • Make sure your Confirmation, Appointment, or Registration Number is accurate and is from a GRE test date within the past five testing years.
  • Make sure the Test Date corresponds with the Confirmation, Appointment, or Registration Number that you enter.
  • If your Email Address has changed in the past five years, try using an older Email Address.
  • If you need additional assistance contact GRE Services.
