家人们!求狠批!必加米!|| 附Intern 求职简历

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地里的家人们,小弟在找今年的 intern,已附上简历 和 第三人称内推介绍,求各位狠批!回复必加米!谢谢了!也求各位加米,小弟也想看面经,加米并不会消耗你的大米,谢谢了!如有大佬可以给我内推,欢迎私信!

He is a talented student from XXXXX University in Computer Science. Having a good understanding of both software and hardware, he has a great interest in frontend technologies as well as software development. He also has experience in firmware programming on multiple microcontrollers and GUI programming. He's familiar with Java, Python as well as C++. I was his teammate in XXXX course and he has the ability to be a great team player and write elegant code. He is comfortable with communicating to different stakeholders either technical or non-technical. Most importantly, he is a life learner who is eager to develop new skills through the challenges at work. Currently, he is actively seeking intern opportunities and I believe he would be a great candidate for our company with lots of potentials.
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