父母B签证延期 - RFE 补充材料

1. Intent to Depart US
2. Reason for Extension Request
3. B2 Financial Resources
4. Residence Abroad
5. Maintenance of Status

我真是傻眼了。。。其中第二点: Reason for Extension Request
A review of official records indicates that you submitted a statement stating COVID and the restrictions on travel as the reasons for your request. However, such reasons are no longer valid, since there are no longer travel restrictions.
Submit a current explanation in support of your extension of stay request.

现在没有travel restriction但是当时有的啊。我不明白怎么current explanation for the past request,理由不应该是一样的 Covid and travel restrictions?
请问这个current explanation in support of your extension of stay request 应该从哪里下手,该怎么描述???
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