新年收到人生第一份AD!From UMASS

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昨天和朋友在上海玩,晚上10点多收到邮件说“There has been a change to your application status at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.” 查了一下status后,发现是个AD。年末收到AD大礼,怎一爽字了得!上海真是大福地啊。。。。

You have been admitted to the Graduate School provided that you fulfill one or more conditions prior to your enrollment. These conditions will be specified on your admission letter. Typically, for a second semester senior, the condition is the completion of a baccalaureate degree and submission of a final transcript to the Graduate Admissions Office. In a few days, you will receive login credentials to our SPIRE student information system. When you do, please log into SPIRE and let us know if you plan to attend this program or not. If you do not receive this login information in the next 10 days, please contact our office at 1point3acres.com or by phone at (413) 545-0722.


