h4 pending期间可以做h1b transfer吗,需要再提交一份h4申请吗?

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请问大家,我的h4 pending了五个月了,家属想换工作,我应该再提交一份h4吗,新的h4会导致原来的pending h4被拒绝吗?我希望尽早拿到h4和ead, 所以想请教比较保险的方法是什么,地里有没有类似的案例,谢谢🙏

补充内容 (2021-10-28 03:37 +8:00):
In receipt of your inquiry, the adjudications unit was contacted. Your constituent’s case is pending review and your constituent should receive a notice of action on this case within 45-60 days. Please contact us again if the timeframe has expired and the constituent has not received a notice of action* from USCIS. 
*A notice of action may be in a form of Approval Notice, Denial Notice, Transfer Notice, Request for Evidence, Notice of Intent to Deny or Notice of Intent to Revoke.

10/27/2021: 今天收到senator office转来的一个回复,大家有类似情况么?这种情况下是不是就不可以再找emma加急了?
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