Univ Massachusetts Lowell计算机系招收2022 Spring or Fall信息安全方向博士生

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Yimin (Ian) Chen在2021年秋季加入University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML)计算机系并计划招收2022年春季(1月)或者秋季(9月)入学的两名博士生。主要的研究方向为信息安全方向(ianchen88.github.io):Security and privacy in ML/AI and networked system。信息安全大部分方向对背景要求不高,更偏交叉学科,欢迎各个方向的同学来询问。导师跟学生属于双向选择,比较适合的学生不一定是硬性指标高,相反更看重以下两点(参考自老石谈芯对一起工作的学生的偏好):
—1. 是否能跟导师和合作者有效地开展工作,
—2. 是否能阶段性地总结经验。
对于进入实验室的学生,导师会在实习、未来工作选择以及毕业等环节给予支持。这边计算机系的合作氛围(AI+Security, Networking+Security, Medical+Security等)极其浓厚,也为进行solid research提供很好的基础。

近年来UML的计算机系在csrankings.org排名稳步上升,主要得益于近年来多位年轻有为的老师加入(尤其是AI、医疗和安全相关)以及项目经费。近5年排名来到前80(今年是76名),预期未来几年仍会上升。近年来每年都新增3+老师,以及背靠整个麻州和UMASS Medical College System的强大支持,整个系围绕Medical AI/Big data/NLP/Security的项目和经费都很充足。
学校地处Boston Metropolitan,New England/Old Money地区,Location的重要性不言而喻。从工作机会(科技公司林立)、人文和自然环境的角度而言,都相当不错。毕业了也很适合长居。


补充内容 (2021-09-24 07:11 +8:00):

补充内容 (2021-09-28 12:33 +8:00):
Yimin (Ian) Chen joined the Computer Science Department at University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) in September 2021 and would like to invite applications for two PhD openings in his group. The positions are expected to be filled in 2022 Spring (preferably) or Autumn. Ian's research encompasses security and privacy in ML/AI and network systems (ianchen88.github.io). If you're interested in working with him, feel free to contact him at 1point3acres.com and start the conversation. PhD is not for everyone and you should be prepared, both mentally and physically, if the PhD program speaks to you. Meanwhile, Ian strongly believes that it's equally important for both the interested candidate and the supervisor to get to know each other well to decide whether they can work together or not. They should mutually accept the other one as their student/supervisor and have the right to call off when they feel necessary. Ian is mostly interested in working with students who
--1. is able to work/collaborate well with their supervisor and collaborators, and
--2. is able to learn something, anything, from recent success/failure and apply to the later research/work.

While surrounding by strong CS graduate programs within Massachusetts, the CS department at UML is still a very attractive place if you're looking for research groups focusing only on solid and meaningful research in computer science with very outstanding young and senior faculty members. Not to mention that the department provides a very inclusive academic environment for research collaborations (A lot!) and incomparable advantages for medical applications (e.g., medical AI/NLP/imaging/data mining/security and privacy, etc.) Massachusetts is a very good place to live and Boston Metropolitan provides great opportunities of the top-tier tech (Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.) and consulting companies (e.g., BCG).

补充内容 (2022-01-23 07:59 +8:00):
热招2022秋季PhDs: 一个在ML/AI Security,另一个在ML for networking!欢迎来件。

补充内容 (2022-01-23 08:03 +8:00):
2022秋季仍有两个名额。一个是偏ML/IoT/Blockchain security,另一个是偏ML for Networking/Communication(与另一位faculty联招)。我们的项目都很consistent,适合刚刚开始PhD的学生。欢迎邮件或站内。谢谢关注。
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