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10/14 沈阳,开了三个窗口,最左边金发女vo



H: good morning mame
Vo: are you having a good day?
H: yeah!
Vo: 你要去哪所学校上学?
H: *****
Vo: 印指纹吧

Vo: 学什么?
H:**** (社科类)
Vo: What’s your plan after graduation?
H: blahblahblah (体现出回国意愿)
Vo: 谁出钱?
H: My parents
Vo: Do you have family in the US?
H: No.
Vo: (指着i20)Then why does this says family support from abroad? Where does this come from?
H: (内心freaking out,因为我根本没好好看i20,于是随便猜了一个可能性)I believe that “abroad” means like… abroad from the US? My family in China are abroad from the US.
Vo: Oh.. What does your parents do?
H: My father blah blah, my mother works blahblah (一个挺有中国特色的机构,当时想着就是vo可能听不懂)
Vo: What’s your mother’s work again? (果然没听懂)
H: (解释了下她工作内容)
Vo: Have you been to the US?
H: yes.
Vo: 你以前有一个J签,你当时去干什么了?
Vo: What’s the last time you were in the US?
H: blahblah
Vo: And you’ve been in China since then?
H: I went to Singapore and Cambodia for short visits.
Vo: Oh I mean not back to America again.
H: Yes.
Vo:(看到了我的拒签记录) 你上次申请签证是在…柬埔寨金边?
H: Yes…last year, because all embassies in China were closed.
Vo: Right.. (小声)all the way to Cambodia…
H: (小声)yeah… i really love this school…
Vo: And why you were denied?
H: I don’t know for sure… but I think it has something to do with my sponsor at the time blahblahblah (把失败原因归于自己不清楚某个文件的必要性). That’s a mistake on me.
Vo: and this time it’s your mom?
H: Yes, and I have documents proving she is my mom.
Vo: Do you have any financial certificate?
H: Yes (递存款单和亲子关系证明)
Vo: (看到了我以前J签记录,那次是csc出资)csc这次提供你任何资金吗?
H: (内心:是福不是祸是祸躲不过…)no, not at all.
Vo: But they did for your…?
H: For my J program, yes
Vo: It’s fine
H: (relieved) thank you.
Vo: 你再等我一下我这边还有一条了
Vo伸手拿红单子,告诉我过了,并让我拿好i20”you’re gonna need this for your travel”
H: Thank you very much!

今天沈阳签证处的网好像不好,听到三个vo都说I’m sorry my computer is slow. 我看到的大多都过了,但好像都不是敏感专业。两个读什么science的姐妹和我同时面的,所以不知道他们的结果。我看到的唯一一个check是拿了过期的i20,vo说looking good,拿到新i20补一下材料就好了。唯一一个拒签是大龄男性,只会几句英语,说要去参加一个三个月的飞行员项目,展示财产证明的时候只给了个人卡流水,说大头在老婆手里。



补充内容 (2021-10-14 16:15 +8:00):
ma'am* lol
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