UII America 招 Medical AI 实习生

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我们是位于Boston Cambridge的一家Medical AI公司 United Imaging Intelligence, America (联影智能), 现在招Medical AI 实习生, 越早开始越好. 我直接负责面试和招人. 实习课题内容主要是基于医疗图像的深度学习算法开发, 开发的算法可以直接部署到实际产品中, 也有机会发表论文. 我们之前的实习生都有CVPR, MICCAI 这样顶会的论文发表, 同时他们也参与了实际医疗AI产品的开发和部署, 学习到了很多工业界的经验. 我们团队成员有着多年医疗AI的产品和科研的经验, 发表了很多很强的论文, 我们会指导实习生共同完成相关的课题. 如果你对医疗AI感兴趣, 不管是想积累工业界的产品开发经验, 还是发表高质量论文, 我们这里都是不错的选择. 希望你是硕士或者博士, 能熟悉掌握一个深度学习的框架 (Pytorch最好). 此贴长期有效, 因为我们每年都会招实习生.

附上你的简历, 如果有论文, 请附上你的论文, 简历不限页数.
1.注明你实习最早可以开始的时间, 以及实习的最长时间
2.注明是申请Medical AI实习生 (我目前也在地里帮另外的SE team发帖招人, 所以如果你对我们Medical AI team感兴趣, 请一定注明Medical AI实习生, 否则我会把你简历错误的转发给SE team)


Main Responsibilities

Work with senior experts in the area of Medical Imaging and conduct state-of-the-art research in the field;
Expect to learn and experience in conducting top-tier research in a collaborative team-working environment. Strong work during the internship may result in practical product solutions or strong publications;
Be ambitious to lead the changes in future Healthcare with innovations.
Qualification Requirements

Currently pursuing a MS or PhD Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, or other related fields. Proven track record of publications in the related fields is a plus;
Experience in solving medical imaging problems using artificial intelligence is a plus;
Familiar with C/C++ and Python;
Experience using Deep Learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, Caffe, Caffe2, PyTorch, or MxNet;
Demonstrated problem solving, self-motivating, and critical thinking skills.

补充内容 (2021-11-01 11:24 +8:00):

Research Intern in Medical imaging
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