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I would like to pursue graduate studies for a Master’s Degree of computer science in **. The reason why I choose this field is that I am enthusiastic about mathematics, logic or science since I was young. So I choose microelectronics major for my bachelor and master degree in xidian university. Also I choose web full stack developer as my job and have 6 years of work experience.

During 6 years working experience, I worked at Alibaba Group for a year and a half. As a front-end developer in Alibaba, I learn a lot of technique there like HTML5, CSS3, ES6 JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, Redux, Weex, Algorithms and I have mastered these techniques. During the other four years work experience, I am also devoting to the technique including Java, .Net, Node.js, JWT authentication, Serverless frameworks, GraphQL, Webpack, Redis, MYSQL, data structure, C#, Linux system, HTTP, SEO, Google Analytics. Besides these specific techniques, I also learn the programming concepts like Progressive Enhancement, Graceful Degradation, Functional Programming, Low coupling, High cohesion, Responsive Web Design, Object Oriented Programming. Also learned design patterns like Factory Pattern, Singleton Pattern, Bridge Pattern, Decorator Pattern, Mediator Pattern, Observer Pattern, MVC Pattern.

During my bachelor and master studying, I driven an analog-to-digital converter project. Using analog integrated circuit design knowledge to design the converter. And adjust the CMOS design to optimize the SNR, SFDR(Spurious-FreeDynamicRange). Use hybrid simulation to test the process corners.

I want to get a master's degree in computer science from your school. Because of my work experience, I learned a lot of practical types of technology. In order to give me a deeper understanding of the practical layer technology, I want to learn the underlying computer science knowledge in your computer science program . Other than the web field, I also want to broaden my technical view by learning other computer science knowledge like machine learning in your program. When I graduate, I plan to join the US company to learn more innovation and practical technique to change the world with those awesome colleagues.

As my desire of learning underlying and broaden computer science knowledge, I think your curriculum attracts me exceptionally. The curriculum provides a wide range of courses on general computer science with tailored electives and first-class faculty in this field. Studying in your program, I will be able to build a solid foundation of computer science and learn a wide computer science knowledge. With these knowledge, I will perform more excellent in the future working career and provide more value to the company, even the world.

As I have 6 years working experience, with this foundation I think I can understand the curriculum more easily, quickly, deeply. So I believe I can perform excellent during the master degree studying. I also learned how to develop agilely, deal with great pressure, and address difficult problems during 6 years working. I think these abilities will also help me completing the studying. All of my academic record and working experience, together with my preparation for computer science demonstrate my competence for pursuing a master degree in ** Computer Science program.

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