美国Rice University招收博士,博士后(基因治疗/合成生物学/蛋白工程/超声成像)

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美国莱斯大学George Lu教授课题组诚招多名博士生和博士后。实验室所在的生物工程系(Bioengineering),常年USNews排名位列全美前10,拥有多个顶尖科研团队和设施。实验室临近休士顿市中心生活便利,隔街紧邻世界最大的医学城-德州医疗中心,包含MD Anderson,Baylor College of Medicine等著名医学院。在此处工作可共事全美杰出的科研人才和合作的导师们,实验室课题所处领域,合成生物学,基因治疗,living materials等,均为当前快速发展的热门方向,课题组2020年成立,已经取得多项科研经费支持,包括NIH Pathway-to-independence award (K99/R00), Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) Scholar awards, Mathers Foundation, and Welch Foundation。

科研简介:The lab focuses on the engineering of gas vesicles, which are a group of genetically encoded protein nanostructures that can assemble inside cells and create nanoscale stable air compartments. Gas vesicles were recently developed as the "acoustic reporter genes" that enable ultrasound-based imaging of gene expressions in therapeutic microbes and mammalian cells (Nature 553, 86; Science 365, 1469), and the current projects go well beyond this imaging direction. The postdoctoral fellows and PhD students will lead projects in developing innovative technologies for gene and cell therapies and engineered living materials.

欢迎具有基因工程,合成生物学,生物化学,生物工程,结构生物学等相关专业背景加盟,尤其是以下几个方向:(1) small-animal ultrasound imaging, (2) genetic engineering of mammalian cells, or (3) protein engineering and computational protein design。博士后审核择优录取,不局限于背景。请直接发CV和cover letter至1point3acres.com,将尽力回答问题和帮助申请事宜。Cover Letter为个人叙述,请阐述过往实验室经历,research vision and interest,未来职业方向等。

请直接申请莱斯大学Bioengineering program。注意12月15号是今年申请截止日期。鼓励本课题组有兴趣者提前和卢教授取得联系。请直接发CV和cover letter至1point3acres.com ,将尽力回答问题和帮助申请事宜。
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