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美国范德堡大学计算机系助理教授Dr. Yu Huang实验室招收2022年入学PhD和访问学者。 研究方向为Software Engineering以及相关的 human factors, infrastructure design, sustainability for open source software。 Vanderbilt是一所历史悠久享誉美国的私立高等学府,全美排名14。Nashville是一座环境优美,古典与现代结合的音乐之都。 近年来多个大型科技公司陆续迁入Nashville,提供了上万个高科技就业机会。招生具体信息如下(请访问导师个人主页获取更多详情)。


Dr. Yu Huang is starting as an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Vanderbilt University in January 2022. She obtained her PhD from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2021 (advised by Professor Westley Weimer). Before that she received master’s and bachelor’s degree from University of Virginia and Harbin Institute of Technology in 2015 and 2011 respectively. Her research interests lie broadly in Software Engineering, Human Factors, Sustainability for Open Source Software, and Software-Hardware Co-design. Yu has published more than 25 peer-reviewed research papers in top-tier international conferences and journals, such as ICSE, FSE, ASPLOS, UbiComp, TOSEM, JMIR, etc., including an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (ICSE'19). She was selected as the EECS Rising Stars (hosted by UC Berkeley) in 2020. Her work has been recognized by the GitHub Social Impact Sector and the 2020 GitHub Octoverse Report.

Dr. Huang works closely with researchers from Psychology and Neuroscience, and research labs in Google and Microsoft Research. Her work also aims to improve the participation of underrepresented minority groups in computer science.

Prospective Students

I am constantly looking for multiple self-motivated PhD students with RA scholarship in Fall 22 and Spring 23. Our lab also has openings for undergraduate researchers and visiting scholars. If you are interested in working with me, please send me an email (1point3acres.com) with your CV and detailed description of your background and research interests.

The application deadline is Jan 15, 2022. Application information can be found here:


About Vanderbilt University (Vandy/VU) and Nashville, Tennessee

Vanderbilt is a historic private R1 research university located in Nashville, Tennessee. US News & World Report ranked Vanderbilt 14th among all national universities. The Beautiful Vanderbilt campus is designated and accredited as a national arboretum.

Vanderbilt launched Destination Vanderbilt Initiative program in 2020, a $100 million university excellence initiative to support multiple research domains. As an import part of the initiative, Destination Vanderbilt: Computer Science has started a multi-year faculty recruitment and hiring process in for 20 tenure-track positions.

Nashville is the top 10 popular move-to cities in US (2020 United Van Lines). As the capital and most populous city in Tennessee, Nashville is also a major center for the music industry (commonly known as “Music City”), healthcare, publishing, automotive, technology, and transportation industries. There are booming job opportunities every year.

Big Tech companies, including Amazon and Oracle, are opening their campuses in Nashville since 2018, with 10k+ job openings.

Nashville International Airport (BNA) is only a 15-minute drive from the Vanderbilt University.

Nashville has fun year-round indoor and outdoor events, surrounded by multiple natural areas. The most popular national park, Great Smoky Mountains, is only 3 hours away from Nashville.
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