关于GRE送分的Score Recipients

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前几天用信用卡支付了某间学校的送分,但发现这间学校并未列入Score Recipients里面,而之后支付的几间学校都被列入Score Recipients,但同样都是收到了ETS的确认邮件。


还有,考了2次GRE,第一次GREcencel掉以后,Score Recipients存在之前的4间免费送分的学校,请问这个些学校还会送吗?


Regarding your inquiry:

According to our records, your GRE® Additional Score Report (ASR) request has not been processed. ASR's are processed and mailed approximately 10 business days after receipt at ETS and do not appear on your file until completed. Because ETS receives thousands of additional score requests on a daily basis, it is not possible to locate a specific request prior to processing.

If you mailed your request, please allow 10 business days plus sufficient mailing time from the date you sent your request.

Institutions will not receive any information about scores that were cancelled. Score reports will be released only upon your request.

The only time you will be given the option to cancel your scores is at the end of the test. You cannot cancel your score for one section of the test and have the scores for the remaining sections reported.

Although you have the option to cancel your scores, consider very carefully before doing so. If you cancel your scores, they will NOT be reported to you or any score recipients, and no refund will be made. Canceled scores are not added to your permanent record. If you wish to take the test again, you must reregister and submit another test payment.