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求问地里各位牛人Amazon fulfillment technology这个组怎么样?hr直接给我分配到这个组了。。我看别的讨论里都说aws还有kindle组比较好,没有涉及到这个组的讨论。现在就感觉比较虚。。组的具体描述是这样的:

[align="left"]Have you ever ordered a product from Amazon and been amazed at how fast it gets to you? Every day, Amazon engineers are relentlessly working to decrease the time between Click to Deliver for your products. The Amazon Fulfillment Technologies team owns all of the software and infrastructure which powers Amazon’s world-class fulfillment engine. In the service of our customers, we are inventing in the areas of materials handling automation, machine vision, robotics, and machine learning. In parallel, we are continuously improving our processes using techniques such as lean, six sigma and kaizen. At the core of everything we do for customers is the Amazon Fulfillment Technologies platform. We own the fundamental data and services which drive our catalog, inventory and labor management systems. These systems underlie everything that we do – tens of millions of items in the catalog, hundreds of millions of items of inventory and billions of transactions a year! Every item that comes into the FC, moves around, and goes out to a customer comes through our systems. This is your chance to make a direct impact to Amazon’s core Fulfillment Technologies platform. [/align]