Fall 2022 CMU MSCF 面经

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BG:加本 cGPA:3.85/4, GRE 164+170+4.0, 语言免

1.4 @10AM with Mia

之前有跟Mia聊过天 所以一上来就是问好 how is it going & etc

我是12.21收到的面试邀请 当时可以选的坑大概就是1.4-1.5. 这么早收到其实有点惊讶 因为看往年的面试都是1月中后以及二月份

问的问题基本跟前几年的差不多 问题如下:
1. What programs did you apply to? Any decisions yet?
2. What are the two factors of your program considerations?
3. Resume 上面的一个research experience What did you do in this experience and how can it be transferrable in quant finance?
4. I see your experiences are not entirely in the financial industry, can you explain the reasons for such choices?
5. Quant finance is demanding and how do you handle stress and competing deadlines with not enough resources
6. Tell me about your current project
7. How would you describe your data science job in the financial industry to your family?
8. Ethics dilemma
9. Dream job at dream company?
10. Q&A

Mia 人一如既往的好,我好像因为后面没有人 她跟我聊overtime了一点也没介意hh
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