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写在面试之前的BQ准备贴,目前主要的学习资源是Youtube channel The interview Sage的facebook jedi interview这个系列视频,可能不全但是也涵盖了不少case。两个视频挺长的但是针对每个问题的讲解都大同小异,所以总结一下给大家参考。第二个视频有给出几个sample case会对准备有很大帮助,建议大家可以看看,我也贴了两篇文字版的在最后。


  • judge your maturity level
  • communication skills
  • reliability or ownership
  • leadership
  • empathetic and respectful for coworker.
  • benefit the company not just the individual.
  • flexible to compromise, handle competing priorities and shift gears when needed
  • explore the ambiguity and open to learn new thing despite the challenges
  • problem-solving and decision-making skills


  • Describe the situation, explain why it challenging / conflicts /...
  • Explain how you approached and decided your plan of action
  • How you communicated to all the stakeholders or leadership
  • Express how the outcome was beneficial to the comapany
  • Explain the learnings you took from the case, how they help you become a better engineer or how they helped you to avoid the same mistakes from happening again.

以下是几个sample answer可以大概感受一下如何结合框架来讲故事

Tell me about a time when the project is ambigous

In Q4 last year during a lunch with director, he mentioned a customer request to build a dashboard to collect and visualize system level metrics of all their applications running in the data center, this project was ambiguous as we had no information on the different use cases of our customers. Hence I immediately scheduled a few customer interviews to gain a deeper understanding of their use cases and the metrics they wanted to collect and visualize, after gathering this data I coded a small proof of concept using fake metric data to verify if we can support these use cases or not. I presented my findings and key decisions from the POC to all the stakeholders to get additional feedback and validate my idea for our new upcoming service. The results of the POC were well received and my director was very impressed by the thorough analysis that I did in a short period. The key decisions that I made during the POC helped us a lot in architecting a scalable metric service. We completed all the required deliverables within the agreed deadline. The timely completion of the project had a significant impact on the company as several teams onboarded on our service to collect and visualize their system level metrics.

Tell me about a time you went above and beyond

In Q3 of last year, I was working on developing a notification service for my company, for this service I needed to implement a security module to authenticate the users who will be accessing this service while working on this module I realize that my work could be published as a separate library which could benefit multiple other teams in my company to improve the security of their services. This library would also allow the other teams to avoid duplicating the work to authenticate their customers, this effort was not part of my current quarterly OKRs, I decided to publish this library as a side project within the same quarter, it was a great learning experience for me, as I learned how to create and publish the library to our internal artifactory. To make it universally available within my company. I wrote extensive documentation on the various APIs available in the library. And an integration guide to help other teams integrate it with their services. I also collaborated with a few engineers from other teams to thoroughly test the integration and features of this library. Further I demoed it in our internal weekly tech talk series. I accomplish my quarterly OKRs without any delays along with publishing this security library. The impact was quite significant as multiple teams quickly adopted it within a short period to improve the security of their services. The leadership team highly appreciated my efforts and awarded me the above and beyond award for that quarter. This was a great learning experience and growth opportunity for me.

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