[面试] UCB | EECS | MS/PhD | 非正式面试 (chat invitation)

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1月16号早上起床收到了UCB教授发来的非正式面试邀请(chat invitation):
i'm a faculty in CS at UC Berkeley. we're excited about your grad school application. it'd be great to talk together to learn more about your research interests, etc.. I just sent you a calendar invite for Sun; or let me know what other times work for you for Sun or Mon. thanks!

(只申了4个phd项目,真的没有想过第一个收到面试竟然就是大大大彩票校 and 面我的教授是我做的track里第一个知道的Professor😭!)
  1. Tell me more about your research interest; What's your research goal at the next step?(回答了一点general的东西,然后被要求基于现有的works细化一下research goal at the next step)
  2. So you work with advisors from ZJU? (我:No, also from Penn State University)
  3. How did your Oxford visiting program work? Is it an exchange?(因为我之前在Oxford交换,Professor似乎只是对这个交换的形式很感兴趣)
  4. Why did you join ZJU? (这个问题就很casual了~大概就是讲了一下对杭州的喜爱,最后和Professor达成了"Westlake is beautiful"的共识)

面试整体的感觉就是非常casual,全程15min。我实现准备好了research summary slides也完全没给我讲的机会,问完问题教授似乎就急着要走了(不知道是不是赶下一场),也没有给我提问的机会。P.S.:我申的是MS/PhD(both)的项目,申的时候完全没有想过会过committee关,现在依然处于一种懵掉的状态... 打算摆烂了,听天由命~
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