George Mason University 自动控制方向诚招博士生

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George Mason University (乔治梅森大学),电子工程系自动控制方向,招收1-2名博士研究生,入学时间为2022年春季、夏季、秋季学期,学制4-5年,提供全额奖学金,包括学费、生活费、保险等。
乔治梅森大学(GMU)是弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯的一所公立研究型大学。 GMU成立于 1972 年,拥有全弗吉尼亚州排名第一的工程项目,同时也被时代周刊 (Times) 评为全美国发展最快的公共研究型大学。 该大学现在是弗吉尼亚州规模最大的四年制公立大学,被列为“R1: Doctoral Universities – Very high research activity”,其综合实力在US News 2022年排名第 93。除了拥有活跃的学术氛围和高水平的科研项目,GMU还具有无与伦比的独特地理优势。其所在地紧邻首都华盛顿,适宜居住且经济发达。学校周边聚集了大量科技创新、医疗保健、金融服务公司,其中家财富 500 强公司超过 23所,为毕业后的事业发展提供了无限空间。
1. 已经取得或即将取得本科或硕士学位,专业为工程学 (自动化、电气、机械、航空航天),计算机科学,计算神经科学。具有较强的自动控制,机器学习或数学等学术背景;
2. 对以下方向: control theory, reinforcement learning, robot systems, multi-agent systems, computational neural networks 有强烈的兴趣。
3. 托福成绩80分或者雅思成绩6.5以上。提供GRE成绩。有良好的英文沟通能力、检索能力和写作能力。
4. 有丰富的(理论/工程)科研背景,及学术写作经验者优先;
Dr. Xuan Wang自2020年毕业于Purdue University(普渡大学)航空航天工程系,后加入University of California, San Diego(加州大学圣地亚戈分校)进行博士后研究。于2021年秋季加入乔治梅森大学电子工程系担任助理教授。Dr. Wang的主要研究方向包括:Cooperative control and optimization in multi-robot system; Multi-agent machine learning; Multi-robot task allocation and path planning; Resilient multi-agent coordination; System identification and data-driven control of neuron network systems。在包括IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, American Control Conference 等期刊会议上发表学术论文。

有意向申请的同学,请发送以下材料至邮箱:[email protected]
1. Personal Statement, Complete CV(包含论文列表);
2. 本科/硕士成绩单;
3. 托福/雅思和GRE成绩单。

Fully Funded Ph.D. @ ECE - George Mason University
Two Ph.D. openings in the direction of Autonomy and Control at the ECE department of George Mason University. The positions are fully funded (including tuition, living stipend, health insurance) with a flexible starting time: Spring/Summer/Fall 2022.
The George Mason University
George Mason University (GMU) is a public research university in Fairfax County in Virginia. Being established in 1972, George Mason has the No. 1 ranked engineering program in Virginia, and is the fastest growing public research in the US. The university is now the largest four-year public university in the Commonwealth of Virginia and is classified among "R1: Doctoral Universities – Very high research activity", ranked #93 in US News 2022. Apart from the highest standard on research activities, we locate at one of the best places to live near Washington DC, the capital of the US. Studying and living in GMU puts you close to companies changing the face of technology, health care, and more. These include 23 Fortune 500 companies and some of the most advanced cyber security players in the country.
Position Description and Qualifications
The position is available in Dr. Xuan Wang’s research group. Our search interests lie primarily in the board areas of autonomy and control, with specific directions including the Cooperative control and optimization in multi-robot system; Multi-agent machine learning; Multi-robot task allocation and path planning; Resilient multi-agent coordination; System identification and data-driven control of neuron network systems.
We expect self-motivated individuals with the following qualifications:
1. Earned bachelor’s or master’s degree by the date of admission, in engineering (electrical, mechanical, aerospace), computer science, computational neuroscience, with solid automatic control, machine learning or mathematics backgrounds.
2. Strong interest in control theory, reinforcement learning, robot systems, multi-agent systems, or computational neural networks.
3. Good communication skills and writing skills, in English.
4. Preferred qualifications: coding skills, established records in research and publication.
How to apply
Please send an email to , with
Subject: PhD-Application
1. Personal Statement, Complete CV (including publication list, if applicable).
2. Undergraduate/graduate transcript (unofficial).
3. A list of references.
4. TOEFL or IELTS score, if international from non-English speaking countries.
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