[面试] Princeton | ECE | PhD

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1月21日下午(美东时间有点阴间..)收到了Princeton一个 incoming AP(没有填在网申系统里)发来的面试邀请:
I am reaching out to you in response to your application to the PhD program in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Princeton. I am an incoming Assistant Professor working in ****. You can find more information here.

Would you be available for a zoom call in the next three days?
  1. Research interests?
  2. 问了我在Oxford的经历 + 是不是在London(似乎教授都对这个很感兴趣啊)。
  3. Your proudest project? (分享了slide,讲了一个AI相关的)可能因为教授不是专门做这个的,被追着问了挺多assumption、细节、insight的问题。
  4. Your other project about
  5. ***? 教授对我另一个很早之前做的system项目很感兴趣,于是我就接着展示+介绍了下这个project(顺便一起吐槽了下Intel);这个项目就没有被追问很多问题了。
  6. Do you think you will be open to new areas? But it's not necessary. 教授似乎是觉得我AI和system都有项目经验,想让我跟她试一试新的东西?那我当然"Hell yes!"

面试历时差不多45分钟,最后还留了时间给我问问题(但我没想好+有点懒得问就没问了);整个过程非常愉悦,最后还被教授评价有London accent(BTW教授真的又年轻又可爱!!)。同样也没有想过会拿到王子屯的面试,继续听天由命了~

补充内容 (2022-01-22 15:57 +08:00):
漏了一个问题:Why do you want to pursue a Phd degree?
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