2022 Fall Columbia MSCS video interview 超晚面经

我在first priority deadline 之前交了申请资料,但 video interview 一直被我拖到现在才做
面试介面和CMU MSIN 是一样的
你可以进行无数次的10s test record
开始进行时,会一次给三题(文字),并开始进行90s 倒数(准备时间)
之后开始180s 的正式答题录制

Tell us about an academic or professional mentor you have had. What are some things you learned from them?
Tell us about a time you had a number of assignments due. How did you make sure you completed all of them on time and did a good job?
If you were to enter an academic/career path entirely unrelated to science and engineering, what would it be and why?

1. What are the attributes of a good professor?
2. Describe someone who you think of as a role model.
3. Who inspires you?
4. Tell us about an academic or professional mentor you have had. What are some things you learned from them?
5. Tell us about a recent movie tha you saw, or a recent book that you read?
6. Tell us about a time when you took the initiative to set goals and objectives even though you were not prompted or directed by others to do so.
7. the hardest course
8. talk about your leadership role/experience
9. Tell us about a time you assumed a leadership role
10. The most successful team or project you participated in? What makes it so successful?
11. How have you been a leader or displayed leadership?
12. A project you failed
13. What do you believe are the qualities that make a successful student?
14. What is your approach to managing important projects?
15. how you evaluate success
16. If you were to enter an academic/career path entirely unrelated to science and engineering, what would it be and why?
17. Dream job after graduate school
18. How to build motivation among your peers
19. What engineering challenge you want to tackle in the future?
20. If you could, would you change anything in your academic experience so far?
21. In which area you need improvement
22. What would your previous teachers or boss say you excelled most at?
23. Why should we consider you for our program instead of several other equally qualified candidates?
24. Why are you interested in the program you are applying to?
25. What's your favorite food?
26. What are your hobbies and interests?
27. What will you do if you win a lottery, 10 million dollars?
28. If you could choose one super power to have, what would it be and why?
29. Tell us about a time you had a number of assignments due. How did you make sure you completed all of them on time and did a good
祝大家好运~ 也求个大米~
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