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最近看地里报录取报的那个热火朝天,看的我火急火燎的,申的几个学校都开始发录取了还没到我呐!!早上本来迷迷糊糊的,习惯性手机刷邮箱就看到两封邮件里都有university,一下就清醒了!!(BTW,老收到University of Tampa和西北大学的广告邮件,你妹的ETS泄漏信息!!害我白紧张!!)


一直很心水的UT Austin来的是conditional offer,让选导师,然后导师发邮件到学院,系主任同意了才正式录取,ddl 4.15

The condition for your admission is finding a faculty mentor who will serve as the advisor for
your master’s report by April 15, 2014. Once you have identified a mentor, please have him or
her send an email to me at 1point3acres.com and Vicki Keller at 1point3acres.com
so that we can update your admission status. We are happy to assist you with this process so
please contact us as needed.

Official acceptance into this graduate program requires the approval of the Dean of the
Graduate School. Once you have met the conditions for admission the Admissions Committee
will recommend full admission to the program and forward our recommendation for
admission to the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies. You should expect to receive
the official decision from her shortly thereafter.

更萌的是austin还发来一个给导师套磁的模板,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,萌的一脸血啊~~~ 估计各位教授已经被大家的英语折磨疯了。。。

Dear Professor/Dr. ______:

My name is __________. I have been conditionally accepted into the Master’s in
Statistics program at The University of Texas at Austin. As part of the
conditions of my acceptance, I am seeking a master’s report advisor who will
evaluate my written report in the final semester of the program.

I am very interested in your work on _______ and would like to develop my
report on a topic related to your research. I graduated/will graduate from
_______ with a degree in _______. My GPA is/was __________, and my
quantitative GRE score (_____) is in the _________ percentile. I have
_______research experience and can work independently. I plan to pursue a
career in __________.

继续等UNC, UCLA和哥大~~ austin的项目真的好心水呀~
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