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已经拿到三封拒信啦~~不过都是意料之中。。。这就是传说中的不作死就不会死。。。没错!就是我!{:7_200:}从选校就开始被喷了还是顶着压力申了好多“作死”的项目。。。我是有收集拒信的癖好么。。。囧。。。{:4_92:}本来是想申Berkeley 的MENG的,但由于拿到比较心仪的AD比较早,如果过了还会纠结就干脆申了这种神级项目当彩票了。。结果彩票果然不好中呵呵。。目测把Cornell的MENG改成MS也是这种悲剧的节奏了。。。知道这种项目基本不录人,不过之前一直没见过地里报Berkeley 的MS的,哪怕Rej也没有。。还以为不会通知了。。。其实拒信长得很普通啊。。。还是CMU的傲娇。。。粘个Berkeley 的拒信吧,一看就不是婉拒,拒的好直接。。。{:5_135:}

[align="left"]It is with regret that I write to inform you that you have not been accepted for graduate study at the University of California, Berkeley.[/align][align="left"]The materials you submitted with your application have been carefully reviewed by the admissions committee, but we are unable to recommend you for admission.[/align][align="left"]The UC Berkeley campus has a strict enrollment ceiling, and we are thus very limited in the number of new students we may admit each year. The admissions committee has the difficult task of selecting students with the strongest overall records from a large pool of well-qualified applicants. Unfortunately, this may result in not being able to accept many applicants who are capable of excellent academic work.[/align][align="left"]We appreciate the interest you have shown in UC Berkeley and wish you success in achieving your academic goals.[/align][align="left"]Sincerely,[/align][align="left"]Graduate Admissions Office[/align]

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