这是offer的意思吗? 这个是让我从的节奏吗?如果等正式的发下来之后,还能不从吗

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陶瓷的一个教授,最近这么回复的,不太清楚这个Graduate Assistant是啥,RA还是TA? 这个否需要问一下呢? 另外这是保底校(综拍50多,专排40多),之前联系的时候说大概3月底能给他最终的final decision,但现在看来对方急了,可能担心找不到学生。 这种怎么回呢? 另外楼主还在尝试联系丹麦,欧洲学校,有没有什么办法拖一下,请教一下

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that we can offer you a Graduate Assistant appointment starting from Fall 2014. Please let me know if you will accept this appointment as soon as possible. Once we have your commitment, we will start to process this appointment. It will take about 2-3 weeks before you receive a formal admission letter from the Graduate School.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any question. I look forward to having you join our research group this coming fall semester.