wl@UPenn, math PhD

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我昨天主动发邮件问的,今天回复我了:“We recently offered admission to some of our applicants, and we rejected a large number of other applicants. Your application is still awaiting a decision, and you are high on our waiting list. (Also, your application is complete.)We do not know whether we will be able to make additional offers, and we also don't know how many such offers might be made if we do make such offers. This will depend on the responses to our initial set of offers, and also upon the permission of our graduate dean.Most likely, we will not receive many responses to our offers during March. In April, we will contact those who have not responded, asking them to reply quickly if possible. Our hope is that we will hear back from most of them before April 15, so that we will be in a position to make additional offers at that point if appropriate.If you have not heard from us by around April 5, feel free to email us again to ask about your situation.”
从邮件回复看decline UPenn的人似乎不是太多,而且additional offer也受研究生院影响。收到了UPenn的offer但是不打算去的大神们尽快decline吧,给我们留一点机会。。如果大家都拖到4月份的话,那么数学系这边也不好意思要求研究生院发additional offer的