U Delaware

Delaware比较诡异...是email通知让网上查decision, 我还以为像没人性的WUSTL一样,直接给个大大的rej,结果Delaware给的是ad.{:7_168:} 说This letter is not an offer of financial aid. If you have been awarded financial aid from your graduate program, notification of such an award will be sent by a separate communication. 真是无语.... 最无语的一点是Expected Time for Completion of Degree: 7 years. . 难不成我7年的大好时光就要放在Delaware的实验室... {:7_150:}当时陶瓷的是个director, 热情洋溢的发过去3封学术套之后, 人家说别发了, 没钱养你... {:4_85:}套其他人去吧, 我就给个女Prof发email, 人家不理我.. 以为挂定了, 谁知竟然不开眼的要我了... 没论文没亮点, 录我的原因我觉得可能是那个director记住我曾经骚扰过他.. 所以说, 陶瓷要脸皮厚, {:4_81:} 祝大家拿到理想offer!{:7_170:} 顺便厚脸皮求大米{:7_191:}
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