写作瓶颈+TPO 48独立写作加米求狠批!六月大考在即, 求地里大神指点迷津!


Official 46 Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The opinions of celebrities, such as famous entertainers and athletes, are more important to younger people than they are to older people.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Nowadays, there has been a heated discussion on the importance of celebrities' opinions on young people and old people. Some people suggest that young people value the words of celebrities more than old people do. On the contrary, from my perspective, I think the opinions of celebrities are also vital to older people.
To begin with, adults can improve themselves after listening to constructive suggestions from celebrities. At an older age, people are usually more mature and have a clear goal to achieve.Take my friend Tom as an example, he is a huge fan of Michael Jordan. After knowing that his model wakes up at four a.m. to practice basketball after an interview, he decided to do a similar thing right away. From then on, he woke up at 4 a.m. to go jogging around his neighborhood. After one year, he had better physical health and persisted in doing it. However, that didn't happen to my cousin Jerry. He quit jogging after three days of exercise and has never picked it up again.

Furthermore, information from celebrities helps older people to pick up new habits. During the lockdown in Shanghai, my grandma has a new interest: exercising with Liu Genghong, a famous singer and gym coach from Hong Kong, China. Every time Liu starts to live stream for exercise, my grandma concentrated to follow his move one by one. That did not take place for my aunt. She also followed Liu as she is his fan. Sadly, she didn't continue after a week because the exercise was very tiring.

Young people could also be positively impacted by the opinions of celebrities. My friend, Brittany loved Liu Meihan, a famous actor since her childhood. After knowing that her model applied to Peking University for a doctorate degree, she decided to study harder. When preparing for her final exams, she made a daily schedule that started from 8 in the morning and ended at 10 at night. Rather than sticking to the middle of the class, she ranked third place among her classmates in the final exams.

All in all, I think the words from the celebrities are also very important for older people because they can improve themselves and pick up a new healthy habit.
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