2022 Fall UCLA MFE Kira面经

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3.2 Round2 submit - 5.19 面试邀请 - 5.23面试

1. short-term career goal和MFE的关系. why UCLA MFE?
2. Please give me an example of a time when you realized that your limitations led to underperformance at school. What did you do, and what was the outcome?
3. Imagine a situation where your supervisor continues to be late to important client meetings, and your clients are starting to seem frustrated. How would you approach this situation?
4. 解二元一次方程组,问解不存在的情形
5. 给定密度函数f(x),计算E(X^3)
6. Give an estimation of the square root of 80
7. 5 most parameters in Black-Scholes model

behavioral部分30s准备 60s回答
tech部分2min左右准备 2min左右回答
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