2022.6.25 下午场 托福写作考题分析 | 老题不难!合作还是单干,但要注意扣题!

2022.6.25 下午场 考题分析

Imagine that a professor wants students to learn as much as possible about a subject in a short period of time. Is it better for the professor to require students to work together in a group, or is it better to require students to work alone? Why?


回到题目本身,审题的时候还是需要注意题目中给到的目的和范围等。比如这道题,讨论的是professor,那就说明是大学场景,然后目的是learn as much as possible about a subject in a short period of time,所以最后我们的落脚点一定要契合到哪个选项是能帮助学生短时间内快速学习一门课程的。




一、work together

1. 同学们的想法更多,可以互相学习,补充自己思维盲区。
2. 一起合作可以分工,然后再互相教,更快速学习。
3. 合作的话一般能完成更难的项目,学到更多。

二、work alone

1. 自己做就必须理解每个环节的任务,学得更扎实。
2. 自己做不需要协调小组讨论的时间等,更flexible。
3. 自己做不需要去听他人想法,并讨论是否正确,更高效。

立场:work alone

1. On the one hand, time would largely be wasted when students are required to work with others. // To begin with, 安排一个大家都合适的小组timetable就很费时。Take myself for example. When I was studying my master degree in Los Angeles, I took a course called Integrated Marketing Communication, where the professor required us to finish a project in group. Unfortunately, since every member in my group has had a tight schedule,我们每次需要约定讨论的时间就很难,经常还会因为有队友临时有事需要改期,这导致很多本可以直接完成任务或者学习的时间都浪费在了协调和沟通上。// In addition, 在小组作业进行中,很多时间也会浪费在无关的事物上。This is because due to the team dynamic, progress is often slowed down because so much time and effort is spent either educating other team members or trying to “sell” decisions or best practices to the team. Even once everyone is on the same page, it is not uncommon for work to be done poorly by other team members which requires extra time to fix mistakes. (写作营Day5语料)

2. On the other hand, working on a project all by oneself deepens one’s understanding. // This is mainly because 当学生必须要独立完成某项任务的时候,那他们必须全盘负责比如searching for related resources to back your statement, figuring out every question that may haunt you for nights, and sorting and presenting ideas in a logical way. 这些任务都会让学生更好的理解这个科目的细枝末节,得以真正掌握(fully grasp sth.)。// For example,当我在读研究生的时候,我有个Organization Management的课程就是要求我们要独自对一个企业进行研究并分析(case study),requesting us to hand in a thesis and presentation in the end. 我记得当时我就是以IKEA作为分析,因为是独立作业,我自己完成了上网查找IKEA的公司架构、创业历程和理念等,也去到了现场对工作人员进行了one-on-one interview to get their perspectives on this company and their careers. 因为所有的任务都是我亲力亲为全程参与,所以通过这个案例的分析,我当时很快理解了一个企业的架构应该是怎么样并其优劣各是什么。

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