加拿大EE PPR了,但是expiry date 30天后?

邮件原文是这样:The processing of your application for permanent residence in Canada is almost complete. You must complete the following steps within 30 days in order for our office to issue your Confirmation of Permanent Residence and, if applicable, your permanent residence visa. If for any reason you are not able to meet this deadline, please inform IRCC Hong Kong immediately via the IRCC Web Form: cic.gc.ca with details concerning your situation.

The expiry date of your Permanent Resident document(s) will be 2022/07/30.

递护照的期限是30天之内这个很正常,但第二段又特地补了这句2022/07/30的expiry date,不知道指的是什么 PR documents 的过期期限.
有了解的uu知道这个expiry date和递护照的30天期限指的是同一件事情吗?还是说我的护照上未来贴的PR visa 将会在7/30到期。。。如果是这样也太离谱了

另外有其他在国内的枫叶卡Holder 欢迎交流! 我是20年AOR的 EE FSW, 后来从美国回到了国内。