2022.7.3 托福写作考题分析 | 口语题库共用!7月第一场,仍然有难度!

2022.7.3 考题分析

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

You should always state your honest opinion even when you know that most other people disagree with your point of view.




回到题目本身,需要注意这里有个让步even when,所以在讨论的时候不是只讨论自己是否要诚实,还要考虑到题目中给出的条件,即在大多数人都不同意你的意见的时候,你是否还应该保持诚实。


1. 表达自己诚实的想法可以更坦荡,让自己不难受。
2. 表达不同的意见可以让别人看到不同角度。
3. 表达自己诚实的想法更容易赢得他人尊重。
4. 表达自己诚实的想法能增强自己的自信心。
5. 表达真实的想法,更有助于整个集体进步。

1. 在工作合作中,表达真实想法能让结果更好。
2. 在生活中,表达真实想法能让大家关系更好。

1. 大多数人都反对的时候,自己的真实想法可能是考虑不周到的,没必要说。
2. 大多数人都反对的时候,即使说出自己的真实想法,也很有可能会被忽略,说出来也是浪费时间。
3. 大多数人都反对的时候,说出真实的想法很需要勇气,因为可能会招来坏结果。

1. To begin with, being honest all the time is more likely to bring inner peace, especially when one encounters prevalent objections. // This is because 当一个人的想法和大多数人不一样的时候,通常说明这个想法可能是更符合内心,but not consistent with social norms, like having a stable job or building a family not too late, that the society expect us to be. 因此,勇敢说出自己的想法help clarify who you are, not only for others, but more importantly, for yourself. // Take myself for example. 去年我打算辞掉老师的工作自己创业的时候, almost all of my family members and friends expressed their concerns and suggested me to think twice. The reason is obvious—being a teacher enjoys a stable income and a decent social status, 这是出去自主创业不可保证的,尤其是在pandemic这种经济大环境都不好的时候。Patiently listening to them listing pros and cons, 我自己更加坚定了要出去的打算, because I know what truly motivates me is to create anything that I value most rather than to follow others’ instructions without meticulous examinations. 所以最终我还是鼓起勇气告诉家人们自己真实的想法。Surprisingly, 当我说清楚自己的想法时,我发现家人们并没有开始那么反对,而我自己也更坚定为自己的选择努力。

2. In addition, honesty is the foundation of healthy relationships. // The main reason is that 当你说出自己的真实想法后,其他人才更能从你的角度去思考着另一种可能性。Meanwhile, 对方也一定会在这个过程中讲清楚他们反对的理由是什么, which you can also understand the counterparts in a better way. All these interactions would definitely lead to a more harmonious atmosphere.// Let us come back to the example mentioned above. When sitting down and talking for hours about my true feelings and opinions with all my loved ones, 我得以和他们很好的沟通清楚了我是怎么想的,以及背后的逻辑、情感是什么,还有就是我的退路(back-up plans)是哪些。同时我也理解了where their objections stem from, which is not to control or blame me but to protect me, a very sweet and loving perspective. In a word, thanks to my honesty, which, though, is not accepted at first, 我和所有的家人朋友们的关系都甚至更加深入了。
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