PhD.Offer [Physics@CSU] First TA offer(应该是今年地里申美国的第一个offer吧)

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1.19号打开邮箱一看,飞来一封从Colorado State U (CSU) Physics department 来的offer letter--TW+TA, $1725/month, 挺兴奋的。

下面是我摘出的部分offer letter的原文,与各位共勉:
Dear ##:
It is my pleasure to inform you that the Physics Graduate Selection Committee will recommend you to the Graduate School for admission to the Department of Physics Graduate Program beginning with the Fall Semester 2011. Matriculation is usually in early August. This offer of admission also includes a Teaching Assistantship (TA) in the department which includes a full tuition waiver and a 2011/2012 Academic Year 9 month stipend of $1725 per month or $15,525 in total. More details on this TA are given below.

Best wishes,

[align="left"]Professor ###[/align]
Chair, Physics Graduate Selection Committee