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广州H1B, 新工作首签,09/02交了所有材料,等了25天了心急如焚!!好多checkee的case都不到三十天就出了,大家都check了多久啊!!好焦虑好焦虑

补充内容 (2022-09-28 21:38 +8:00):
Email 大使馆询问情况,现在要check至少180天??!!救命啊!!!有类似情况的朋友吗?以下是大使馆回复:

We would like to inform you that your application is currently under administrative processing. Refusal under Section 221(g) means that essential information is missing from an application or that an application has been placed on administrative hold. The consular officer who interviews you will tell you at the end of your interview if your case is being refused under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) 221(g). The duration of the administrative processing will vary based on the individual circumstances of each case. Note: Except in cases of emergency travel (i.e. serious illnesses, injuries, or deaths in your immediate family), before making inquiries about the status of administrative processing, applicants should wait at least 180 days from the date of the interview or submission of supplemental documents, whichever is later.

补充内容 (2022-09-30 22:08 +8:00):
第二次问询大使馆收到的回复:We have checked the status of your case and it is undergoing administrative processing. This processing cannot be waived, and the final decision on visa issuance can only take place after this processing is completed. .

补充内容 (2022-10-11 22:34 +8:00):
10/07 大使馆再次要求补充材料。。。包括简历,offer,公司简介。用中文要求了简历中的细节,并且说材料收集齐全后要check6-8周。。。枯了,白等了五周。。。

补充内容 (2022-11-04 01:57 +8:00):
11.03.2022 今天在case tracker上查到status变成 APPROVE!!!护照查不到消息(之前可以查到护照在大使馆),等待收到护照就可以买机票啦!希望不要再有幺蛾子了!

补充内容 (2022-11-05 04:12 +8:00):
11.04.2022 显示ISSUE,等待护照被寄到本地中信银行。
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