[CE/EE/ECE] 亚利桑那州立大学ECE招收2022fall/2023spring PHD

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Prof. Yu Cao,亚利桑那州立大学ASU正教授, IEEE Fellow,招收2022/2023入学的phd, 研究大方向为 Hardware and Software Co-Design for deep learning. 100 % full RA。有意者请将托福以及GRE成绩,英文简历,完整中英文成绩单(本科/硕士)发往1point3acres.com, 并且注明“Ph.D. Position Application”(邮件请用英文书写). 如果拥有科研经历,请简单介绍本科或硕士期间的科研经历。若没有申请ASU博士项目,可在双方达成意向后,再走申请流程。导师非常nice,reputation很高,口碑很好。ASU EE项目专排30左右, 往年本组毕业生走向可以查看 nimo.asu.edu ( FB, google, Intel, amazon,etc)。本组也属于C-BRIC 研究中心, engineering.purdue.edu
The requirements for this position are:
a. Experience in hardware design, such as ASIC, In-memory computing, FPGA, emerging devices, etc
b. Background in computer algorithms including machine learning, deep learning
c. Strong software/hardware programming ability (Python, PyTorch/Tensorflow, C++, Verilog, or equivalent)
d. Strong self-motivation and interest to learn
e. Fluent in English
f. Priority for students who have completed their MS degree
Professor homepage: nimo.asu.edu
Lab homepage: nimo.asu.edu

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