2020年父母B签证留美超过6个月 需要重新办签证嘛

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My parents were here during 2020 for more than 6 months and they have b1/b2 visas. They stayed more than 6 months (around 8 months) because of the flight cancellation due to COVID. I applied for visa extensions for them and they left the US before I heard from the immigration office.

Now they plan to come to the US again. They have a valid 10-year B1/B2 visa. While working on their EVUS, there is a question of "Have you ever stayed in the United States longer than the admission period granted to you by the U.S. government?".

Given their situation, the answer is yes but I did file extensions for them and I have all the documents from the immigration office. My question is shall they reapply for a new US visa because of the extended stay they had.