[2023 Fall] PhD Open Positions 美国俄克拉荷马大学工业工程系与数据科学院

Dr. Ruiz 实验室招收工业工程学的全奖博士,入学时间为2023秋季,研究方向为机器学习/统计建模在3D打印误差控制中的应用。现面向背景为 统计/数学/工业工程/机械工程/或有相关项目经历的同学招生,感兴趣的同学可以发CV至 1point3acres.com, 更多信息请参考 sites.google.com 以及 ou.edu

Fully funded Ph.D. opportunities for highly motivated students to develop machine learning (ML) methodologies for additive manufacturing (AM) at the University of Oklahoma. Preferred background: statistics, ML, R programming, and AM. Starting date: Fall 2023. If you are interested, please send your CV to 1point3acres.com. For more information, please visit sites.google.com and ou.edu
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