Initial OPT 从申请到拿卡273天全纪录+经验分享

楼主从2022年3月3日提交EAD申请,到2022年12月1日拿卡,据我搜索应该是地里initial EAD最长时间的拿卡记录了。在这个帖子我分享一下我的timeline,还有这大半年和USCIS打交道的一些经验。希望对未来的EAD申请者有所帮助。

03/03/2022 receipt date
04/29/2022 contacted the senator, they told me I am within the normal processing time (3 months)
05/23/2022 call the USCIS to expedite the request
06/03/2022 call the USCIS to expedite the request

07/05/2022 call the USCIS to report the beyond-the-normal processing time, file a beyond-normal-time request, and wait for a response in 30 days
07/05/2022 submit the request to the senator and CIS ombudsman
07/06/2022 senator’s office submit an inquiry to USCIS
07/12/2022 call the USCIS to check the case status; no information was provided
07/18/2022 contact the senator’s office to urge the inquiry

07/19/2022 call the USCIS to check the case status; the case is undergoing preprocessing checks; requested a tier-2 callback and added a note to my case
07/27/2022 CIS ombudsman replied that they don’t accept my request.
07/29/2022 call the USCIS to check the case status. No update.
07/29/2022 USCIS replied to the senator’s office, saying that my case is undergoing security checks

08/09/2022 call the USCIS to check the case status. No update.
08/26/2022 received the email that the expedited request on 05/23 was rejected. The case was currently under review by an officer
08/29/2022 call customer service. Still under preprocessing checks

09/14/2022 Request tier2 callback, submit change-of-address request
09/21/2022 senator’s office submit another inquiry to USCIS
09/22/2022 congressman’s office submitted an inquiry to USCIS, and filed another beyond normal processing time request

10/05/2022 ask USCIS about the address update and case status and tier-2 callback, taking notes on address change; the last update of the case was on 3/3.
10/11/2022 ask the USCIS about the address change and wait 30 days to be updated. The case is processing normally and is within the normal processing time until May 2023.
10/11/2022 I received the update from the congressman’s office: my case is still under security checks.
10/13/2022 tier-2 replied to me via email that there is no additional update can be provided to me.
10/18/2022 call USCIS customer service to update the address via phone and place the address change. Waiting 30 days to get a reply.
10/24/2022: USCIS replied to my out-of-normal processing time request, saying that my case was in line to be reviewed by an officer.

11/01/2022: Submit a new out-of-normal processing time request. Waiting 30 days to get a reply.
11/21/2022 call USCIS and check if the address is updated; no update. Told me an officer will contact me in this week (no contact actually).
11/22/2022 O-1 petition is submitted to USCIS.
11/23/2022. we are producing your card. Cancel the USPS mail forwarding
11/25/2022, call USCIS and check if the address is updated; no update. Cannot submit a new service request within 30 days of the previous request.
11/28/2022, the card was produced.
11/29/2022, call USCIS to get the tracking number and call USPS to check the delivery address.
11/30/2022 take a flight to the old address
12/1/2022 wait at the old address, wait for the postman and pick up the EAD card.

1. 申请EAD时地址要选择一个permanent address
USCIS改地址的功能(提交AR-11)几乎是个摆设,我从9月14日搬家以后提交改地址申请,直到12月1日地址都没没有改过来。期间我打了七八次电话,提交了两个service request和一个tier-2 callback request,均没有效果。我周围有朋友从今年3月提交改地址申请,至今没有改过来。有朋友是通过tier-2 callback的时候通过电话修改的,但前提是tier-2会给你打电话。我提交的tier-2申请,要么从来没有给我打过电话,要么给我发邮件告诉我没有要告诉我的信息。

我这次是参考了地里其他帖子,在得知EAD会被寄到旧地址(公寓地址,已经有新住户)的时候,买了当天的机票飞回旧地址,并在公寓等到配送的邮递员,顺利拿到卡。如果你搬家时选择了USPS的mail forwading service,记得要在USPS官网上取消。因为联邦的邮件是不会被forward给新地址,会退给USCIS。具体情况请参考这几个帖子:


2. 如何得知OPT 被check以及被check原因 是一个大家公认的好网站,如果和你同一receipt date的case都被集中在某几天approve而你的case还没有update,那么你就得采取行动了。当然,根据我的经验,在USCIS post 的 I-765 normal processing time 之内,没有什么有效的手段。如果你的case在normal processing time 之内还没有被approve,那么你的case大概率是被check了。

得知被check的方法有三种,最可靠的方法是通过你地址所在地的众议院和参议院的议员提交inquiry,USCIS一般会在一个月内回复议员关于你case delay的原因,根据地里之前的帖子,如果不是被check,那么有可能在收议员inquiry之后你的case很快就会被approve。第二种方法是通过USCIS的客服request tier-2 callback,如果tier-2一个月内给你打电话,你可以通过电话问到关于你case的详细情况。第三种方法就是通过USCIS客服,当然每个客服服务质量不同,如果遇到好心客服就会告诉你你的case在under preprocessing/security/background checks,这三种表述都是一个意思。经常打USCIS客服还有有概率遇到好心客服。

关于被check的原因,这也是个黑盒,我们今年在地里大约有5-6个OPT EAD被check的朋友,除了一位还在等待之外,大家都是在3-9个月之间拿到卡。大家的背景也各不相同,有博士硕士,有非CS专业,也有各种各样的本科学校。根据英文资料,USCIS的check主要是name check,查的是犯罪记录之类,目前没有找到这些被check的人的共同点。总之OPT-EAD被check是非常非常罕见的情况。

3. 得知被check之后的应对措施
目前所知为有效的办法就是没有办法。因为USCIS总会以national security的原因来搪塞你,所有的expedite request, out-of-normal processing time request, service request, tier-2 callback request,senator/congressman inquiry 均无法起到加速作用。只能通过客服和国会议员得知你目前的状态,但无法起到催促作用。但如果你的EAD不是因为security check而delay,那么上面的方法都可以试一下。

注意,CIS Ombudsman 不受理关于OPT EAD的case。

我们几个被check的申请人,今年七八月一度想通过律师file lawsuit against USCIS,因为之前USCIS有大规模的delay,file lawsuit之后成功的案例。但是和律师多次交流以后,我们发现如果是security check,因为不是USCIS的过错,而且往往涉及到FBI等其他federal agency,所以lawsuit很难有效。


4. 如何和USCIS打交道
根据我今年和USCIS打交道的记录,最有效的办法还是通过国会议员,我曾通过两个州的两个参议院和一个众议院提交inquiry,均在三周左右收到USCIS的回复。tier-2也能做很多事,但前提是tier-2愿意给你打电话。 USCIS的客服电话最好是一大早打,在每年上半年的旺季,如果是在中午和下午打电话排队时间都很长。


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