纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校Dr. Mengen Wang 计算材料组招聘博士生

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美国纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校(SUNY Binghamton)电气工程学院(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)/材料科学与工程学院(Materials Science and Engineering Program)Dr. Mengen Wang组招聘2023春季、秋季入学的博士生(全额奖学金)。研究方向是基于密度泛函理论的计算材料学,包括新能源材料以及量子信息材料。更多详细信息请参考我们的网站mengenwang.com
学生申请要求:认真努力,有责任心,有科研热情和团队合作精神,有较强的英语表达和写作能力;英语要求:TOFEL 90 / IELTS 6.5 以上;个人简历,研究陈述,成绩单,推荐信等相关材料;有科研经历的会优先考虑


About the positions
Dr. Mengen Wang’s group (mengenwang.com) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Materials Science and Engineering Program (MSE) at the State University of New York at Binghamton is looking for two fully funded Ph.D. students in the field of computational materials science. The positions are available in Spring 2023 and Fall 2023. Areas of interests include the computational design of materials for next-generation energy conversion and quantum information applications.

Fully motivated students who have research experience and/or interests in first-principles computation are encouraged to apply. Candidates should have a strong background in materials science and keen interests in condensed matter physics. The ability to work effectively in a team and good communication skills (oral and written) are also essential. Previous research experience (experimental or theoretical) is a plus.

How to Apply
Students can choose to apply to the Electrical and Computer Engineering Program or the Materials Science and Engineering Program. Please send Dr. Wang an email (1point3acres.com) to briefly introduce your backgrounds and research interests. In the email, please attach your CV (including GPA, publications, and references), research statement, and an unofficial transcript.

About Dr. Wang
Dr. Wang joined SUNY Binghamton in September 2022. She obtained her B.S. from Shandong University in China, Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Stony Brook (Advisor: Dr. Deyu Lu), and Postdoc training from the University of California, Santa Barbara (Advisor: Prof. Chris Van de Walle). She has published papers in journals including ACS Catalysis, Nature Communications, and Advanced Functional Materials.

About SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Binghamton is a public research university with campuses in Binghamton, Vestal, and Johnson City, New York, which is located in the Southern Tier of upstate New York, just a few hours drive from major urban centers in New York and neighboring states. It is one of the four university centers in the State University of New York system. SUNY Binghamton boasts a student population of over 16,000 on a campus of nearly 900 acres and has a strong academic reputation.
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