cs master ad@Georgetown,这是不是可能给奖?

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[update一下],收到official letter, 每个学期免掉1/4的学费,$4869,其他照收。
今天才收到的邮件,本来是想申请Georgetown的cs phd(今年是phd项目第一年招生,以前没有phd项目),结果给我个master 录取,
里面有句话:“After learning of your positive response, we will consider you for a merit-based scholarship. ”这是什么意思?merit-based scholarship大概有多少?
比较了解这个项目的童鞋可以能否大概介绍一下这个学校的就业率等信息?我只知道他们家data mining有个大牛


Dear XX,
I am the Director **. The department's Graduate Committee met, and we are interested in offering you admission to the Master's program. We had a large number of applicants to the Ph.D. program for a small number of positions, and we are not able to offer you admission to the Ph.D. program.
If you would like to pursue a Master's in computer science at Georgetown, please let me know no later than Friday, February 18. After learning of your positive response, we will consider you for a merit-based scholarship. It is important to keep in mind that departmental decisions about admission and financial aid are unofficial and are recommendations to the Graduate School. The Graduate School will communicate any official offer of admission and aid, if awarded, in their letter to you.
If you decide to pursue a Master's degree at Georgetown, you can apply to the Ph.D. program again next year; if accepted, your course work from the Master's program will apply toward the requirements for the doctoral program. If you decide not to join our Master's program, then you can certainly reapply for the doctoral program next year.
Thank you **
Best regards,