揭发Martin Ester的违法行为和其它问题,学弟妹擦亮眼睛

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English version at the bottom.

sfu.ca是世界著名的数据挖掘专家,他的DBSCAN paper截至2023年初已经有接近27,000引用量。我是2016年开始做他的硕士生,2019年春天毕业。
  1. 人品不好而且极其抠门。当年招我的时候,对助学金(fellowship)进行了虚假陈述而且没有履行诺言,屡次要求他付款都以各种理由推脱。直到毕业几年后,我意识到这一行为涉嫌违反合同法,通过法律手段索赔,才得以伸张正义。这里有详情:antonfeng.me。值得一提的是,在我在加拿大知道的所有人中,Martin是唯一在实验室成员去餐厅聚餐的时候,坚持AA付款而不是为全桌买单的教授,其他我所知道的,任何族裔的教授,都不存在这种情况。极度的抠门。但他平时又表现得十分伪善,似乎很关心你的福祉,所以对他了解不深就容易被他的假面具欺骗。
  2. 学术能力不足。DBSCAN这篇文章其实十分简单,当时数据挖掘这个领域方兴未艾,有非常多的低垂果实可以摘,Martin Ester很幸运地站在了时代风口,摘下了低垂果实。但他缺乏真正攻坚的能力:虽然他有非常好的学习习惯并且十分自律刻苦,但他流体智力的不足,是良好的习惯无法完全弥补的。流体智力的不足体现在,他记忆力极差(1958年出生的老头了,已经接近职业生涯末期,只会比我做他学生时更健忘),数学水平一般,论文理解速度一般。
    总体来说他的流体智力在学者中应该处于中上水平,但考虑到他的名望,那就是盛名之下,其实难副。大概2018年有学生问过他,为什么不继续做数据挖掘了,他说数据挖掘领域竞争太激烈太内卷了,而生物信息学bioinformatics相比之下好点,而且还有经费可以拿(对的,就是那个用来欺骗我做他学生的经费,因为项目管理不善被取消了,可是把我们这些学生坑惨了)。这体现出Martin缺乏真正攻坚克难的能力,虽然这种选择可能本身也是明智的。2017年我跟他一起读Deep Learning这本书的时候也发现了,他的领悟力和理解力都只是常人水平,远远不是我原本期待的天才水平。
  3. 把学生视作耗材,虽然自己能力不足,但招收了过多学生,而且坚持亲力亲为,坚决不招聘博后或专职实验室管理员代他指导学生。我2018年左右的时候听一个学长/姐说过,他(她)在Martin手下读书的时候,比2018年要好很多,因为当时Martin只有四五个学生,这样他分摊给每个学生的精力要多得多,能提供质量高得多的指导。而2018年时他大概有七八个学生。现在有sites.google.com,而Martin的身体和大脑又老了四五岁,他能给学生们提供的指导质量可想而知。

I was Dr. Martin Ester's thesis-based master's student from 2016 to 2019.
Prof. Martin Ester is a world-renowned computer scientist, an RSC (Royal Society of Canada) fellow, and the author of the famous DBSCAN paper. He is also a nice person in life. He is humorous and friendly, and he isn't a very pushing supervisor. He has some good self-management habits that you can learn from.
However, beneath this surface lies his true nature: he doesn't care about you, and he doesn't have your interest in his mind. In my case, he breached the law due to breach of contract, in that he deceived me into becoming his master's student by making false funding promises, and refused to fulfill them later, leaving me in utmost poverty and misery during my master's studies while knowing my situation throughout this time. Later, I launched a legal claim and successfully recoup some loss. I have written an github.com to describe this legal claim and my learnings from the story.
You can also go to antonfeng.medium.com which is mostly similar but doesn't contain the demand letter I sent him, or the antonfeng.me which is identical to the GitHub version.
I think one reason for his mistreatment of me was that I was a foreigner, not a Canadian PR or citizen. Being a first-generation immigrant from China on a student visa meant that, I would have less power to defend myself when my interest got compromised, and I would be more likely to swallow it rather than fight back. But he was wrong. I think he would have been less likely to treat me like this if I were a Canadian citizen.
Yeah, bad actors usually pick their victims.
There is also another pretty telltale sign of his miserliness: when the whole lab goes to restaurants for group dining, he always asks us to split the bill, never paying on behalf of everyone. In Canada, out of everyone I know, there isn't a second supervisor doing this, across any ethnic group. Every other professor would pay the bill for all lab members, but not Dr. Ester.
Aside from the personal integrity issues, I feel his competence doesn't match his fame, though he is still an above-average researcher overall.
He was born in 1958 and is 64 years old now. Usually, the fluid intelligence of a person has deteriorated quite a bit at this age. And I believe he is no exception.
Even in 2017 when he was only 58 years old, I felt it particularly annoying that he forgets things A LOT, like, REALLY. Many things you mention to him won't be remembered, even if you repeat them 3 or 4 times over several weeks. But I think it not only shows his bad memory, it also shows that he doesn't care about you. If it is something that he thinks is important, he would remember it. But not things that are important to you which he deems as unimportant. Guess how well his memory becomes after 6 years. It is also a sign that he has too many students and is working on too many research projects simultaneously, he should recruit fewer students and hire a dedicated postdoc to help him, but of course, Dr. Ester has compelling reasons not to do it, which I'll explain close to the end of this answer.
I feel his professional expertise is also questionable too. Not bad, certainly above average, but not matching his fame.
Considering his fame, Dr. Ester lacks the ability to tackle truly hard problems, and he has limited expertise in his current research fields, namely bioinformatics and deep learning.
He wrote the DBSCAN paper at a lucky time when the field of Data Mining was just starting to be chartered and it was full of low-hanging fruits. The paper, which is, of course, a timeless classic, was pretty simple, there was nothing too hard about the idea or the mathematical tools, and that is actually a major reason why it got so many citations.
However, when the field of data mining became very competitive, he found it too hard to stay in this field and opted to go for bioinformatics, partially due to the latter providing the funding, namely, the MADD-Gen program, which recruited me and later got terminated by NSERC due to irresponsible and incompetent management of the program. His reason for switching tracks is not something I concluded, it's what he answered when a student asked him "why not continue with data mining, but switch to bioinformatics?" back in around 2018.
Although this choice to switch tracks is perfectly normal, I think it hints at his inability in tackling hard problems.
Because he only started working on bioinformatics recently, his knowledge and grasp of this field aren't as good as some other professors who had started working on it years or decades before him. A student of Dr. Ester told me around 2018, that Martin's knowledge in bioinformatics didn't allow him to provide very helpful insights as to which research directions likely have high ROI (return on investment), and which directions have low ROI. As a result, this student felt it quite hard to get the paper published when he/she was working solely under Martin’s supervision; however, after starting a collaboration with another professor who was truly an expert in bioinformatics, his/her research output drastically improved without much more work.
Nevertheless, please take this with a grain of salt. This student may not like Dr. Ester personally, and his/her expertise got improved over time, so naturally, he/she should become better at publishing papers as time progresses. Besides, it has been more than 5 years since this conversation took place, and Dr. Ester's learning ability should allow him to improve quite considerably in his knowledge and expertise in bioinformatics.
But still, I don't think his research capability in his current fields matches his fame. He is a pretty good researcher, but his luck in his early career has inflated his fame a bit too much.
As I have demonstrated in my story, especially when you look at the github.com, Dr. Ester lacked the ability to spot potential risks early on in the project, and we had to learn the hard way, that my co-supervisor's idea didn't work. Of course, Martin can say that he wasn't an expert in chemistry himself, and he misplaced trust in my co-supervisor, but Martin definitely has some responsibility for not being able to call it out earlier.
Dr. Ester didn't start working on Deep Learning until the summer of 2017. That summer, we read the Deep Learning book, and I feel the fluid intelligence that Dr. Ester exhibited through this learning process didn't really impress me. Just a slightly better-than-mediocre researcher. But there is no denying that he has good learning habits and devotes lots of time and energy to learning, so his research capability can be higher than what his fluid intelligence indicates. But still, if you're looking for a brilliant and ingenious researcher, then you've found the wrong person.
Perhaps to make up for this decline in his ability to publish impactful papers, Dr. Ester is now recruiting more students, all while not having a postdoc or lab manager to help him. He now has around 10 students in his lab, while he had around 7~8 when I was his student. An earlier graduate student said that, when he/she was Martin's student, he only had 4 or 5 students in total, which was much better than when he had 7, because having fewer students allowed him more time to supervise each student and provide better guidance. And now with around 10 students, just guess the quality of his guidance for each student.
At least up to a couple of months ago, I knew that he still didn't have a dedicated post-doc or lab manager in his lab. So why is that? He clearly doesn't have the capability to provide quality guidance to all his students, and yet he doesn't hire a post-doc to help him with that. I don't think he is really that poor that he cannot afford a postdoc, especially since he is now an RSC fellow and money shouldn't be a big problem.
I suspect, compared to his own interest, he simply doesn’t care if the students he supervises get quality guidance and supervision. More students mean more chances for research output which benefits Dr. Ester himself, students can and have to teach themselves how to do research anyway, but when it comes to each student's well-being, quality guidance, and getting better ROI of their research and having a better life, it never crosses Dr. Ester's mind; or perhaps it does, but got significantly overweighed by Dr. Ester's hobby of saving money, so he decided to keep the current approach rather than hiring postdocs.
Important announcement: if any "accidents", "suicide" or "sudden death" happen to me, Dr. Ester's suspicion cannot be ruled out due to my whistleblowing behavior. See a more detailed announcement github.com.

补充内容 (2023-01-10 09:09 +8:00):

补充内容 (2023-01-12 05:02 +8:00):
1. Martin学术水平不行,对学生来说不是啥明显问题,如果学生不打算进学术圈的话。但是当他要求学生发论文才能毕业的时候,这就容易导致延毕,造成经济损失。当然这方面他卡得也不是特别死,没有一些“狼师”那么严重。但对于真打算混学术圈的学生,导师的学术水平不够就是个大问题。

2. 吃饭AA本身确实不是啥明显黑点,但我写这一点是为了从细节证明此人的抠门,尤其是在我接触的其他导师普遍都不这么做的背景下。

3. 有人问有没有学术不端学术造假,这个确实有。只是因为比较轻微而且他不是主要责任人(但是有知情不报的问题),我之前没在文章和本贴中提及,也还没举报。之后我会尝试解决此事。会很给他面子,让他自行修改论文,而不是上来就直接举报他。等到此事有结果了,再写个补充。

补充内容 (2023-01-13 05:11 +8:00):
Wrote a review of him on pi-review.com and got approved: pi-review.com
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这里统一把一些问题说清楚,关于Martin究竟欠我多少钱(我的antonfeng.me中“How you have breached the laws”这部分说了),以及他哪里做得特别过分,让我特别不爽。
我这个funding是MADD-Gen fellowship, 头两年每年至少21000加元,而且是只要我有satisfactory progress就能拿到。过了前两年可能还有,但取决于个人表现和funding availability。Unsatisfactory progress的定义我查了学校相关规定,是需要委员会给你发一封信,告诉你“你再不好好努力就劝退”的程度,而我是一直没有这个情况。
Martin在明知2016年底这个funding就会被取消的情况下,依然骗我进了这个项目。第一年我的总funding是27600多,其中只有不到11000是MADD-Gen fellowship,其他有10000的TA工资,另外有六千多的入学奖金(每个人都有,不属于MADD-Gen fellowship的范围)。第二年总共只给了8000,其中还有1000是我从学校自己申请的scholarship。
事实上我完全可以在索赔时要求13000,甚至24073加元的本金,都是合法的。我为了尽量缩短谈判时间,主动在一开始给了对方最低的一个数字(6431 + 利息 = 6739),其实是吃了大亏,有种好人被人拿枪指着的感觉,但最后快速解决了,而且给了他应有的惩处,也不算亏。

  1. 我讨厌蠢人,而Martin有时候让我感觉十分愚笨,尤其是他健忘的时候,重复一些事情三四遍他不一定能记住。而这种健忘其实体现出他根本不在乎对你很重要的一些事情,是从内心深处对你的无视。
  2. 而他别看水平不咋地,对学生要求还蛮高,老是逼我把文章发出来,不发就不给钱,而这个要求是违反了通知书的原文,因而是违反合同法的。而他明知我缺钱却不给钱,导致我第二年缺钱缺得快断炊了,影响了我的心理健康和研究进展。而且那论文一开始,一部分构想就有点问题,虽然是另外一个教授提出的,但他没有一早注意到这个问题并提出警告,造成后面我们踩坑浪费了好几个月才验证出来这个idea确实不行,就这水平还逼我发论文,不发不给钱,他配吗?凭什么把责任全推我身上?
  3. 这人口惠而实不至。我第二年经济上的严重困难,跟他在第一年结束的时候建议我“第二年专心搞研究,别去做TA了”有分不开的关系。但是不做TA又没有fellowship,但资金缺口他也没解决啊?
  4. 他要求我发文章才毕业(后来向期刊提交上文章并且得到积极反馈之后,也毕业了),导致我毕业晚了一点,造成了一定的经济损失,而他其实没有能力带我写出一篇很好的文章来,却还这样损害我的利益。


补充内容 (2023-01-11 07:30 +8:00):
1. 如我博文中"Timeline of important events surrounding this claim"部分所说,2019年初,company A给了Martin一大笔经费。而师弟做了与之相关的project。
2. 2019年9月,Martin成为了RSC Fellow,该荣誉头衔想必对他此后申请经费有助力。与之相应的,2018年的时候我们申请过一次经费,没有成功。
3. 从我2018年秋在Terramera实习开始,Martin通过我的关系搭上了Terramera,后者跟他合作,还一起在2020年成功申请了经费。博文Timeline部分也提过。
4. Martin招收他到毕业的整个过程,不涉及欺骗,但对我则不然:从一开始我们的关系就建立在欺骗之上,这决定了它不太可能很美好。
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