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The Soft Matter and Interfacial Phenomena Lab (SaIL) at Binghamton University, State University of New York invites applications for one fully funded Ph.D. position.

Located in the Southern Tier of upstate New York, Binghamton University is a world-class public ivy institution that unites more than 130 broadly interdisciplinary educational programs with some of the most vibrant research in the nation. It is classified among "R1: Doctoral Universities – Very high research activity". Binghamton University is ranked tied for 35rd among public schools, ranked as the best SUNY school for 2022 by U.S. News & World Report.

The Soft Matter and Interfacial Phenomena Lab (SaIL) takes highly interdisciplinary approaches to uncover new physics and mechanics in soft materials and biological systems and to advance the design and manufacturing of materials that foster novel products and industries. We are developing theories, computer simulations, and data-driven models to discover complex transport phenomena occurring at materials interfaces, to establish the process-structure-property relationship, and to design new functional materials and devise new means of engineering them for applications in advanced manufacturing, health care, and environmental sustainability. Currently, the lab has 4 Ph.D. students, 1 M.S. student, and several undergraduate researchers. Current research topics include but are not limited to
; Membrane shape remodeling in biological processes and biomanufacturing
; Colloidal assembly and transport at fluid and biological interfaces
; Machine-learning and data-driven modeling of biological locomotion and active matter
; Electrospray deposition of multiphase polymeric droplets

; B.S. or M.S. in mechanics, mechanical/chemical engineering, applied mathematics, applied physics, or a closely related discipline. M.S. with project experience and publication record is preferred.
; Be passionate and self-motivated to do important/revolutionary work on the aforementioned research topics.
; Strong background and interest in biological fluid dynamics, soft matter physics, machine learning, and optimization.
; Good programming skills in C/C++, Python, or MATLAB. Experience in GPU or parallel computing is a plus.

How to Apply:
Interested candidates are invited to email Dr. Xin Yong (1point3acres.com) with a short introduction of your research interests, the latest CV (including GRE/TOFEL scores and contact information of three professional references), and transcripts. More information about admissions and applications can be found at: binghamton.edu
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