5.29沈阳 有点波折,还是通过了

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用到的材料:护照,I-20,DS160,SEVIS FEE收据,resume,study plan


我:Good morning, Sir!
VO: Passport and I-20
我:Here you are
VO: What will you study at USA?
我:I will study Mechanical Engineering at TAMU(忘了说是硕士项目)
VO:Why do you choose this university?
我:Because the program ranked 9th (among public institutions), I will receive high quality education.
And overseas degrees are highly valued in Chinese companies.
VO:What is your research interest?
我:I do not have a research interest, TAMU has research in...

VO:YOUR research interest?
我:I do not have a specific research interest. A/B/C...
VO:Your resume and research plan?
VO:I don't believe you. (被吓坏了)I think you come to TAMU because of specific research projects. From your resume, you had experience in X and Y. I think you will do Z at TAMU(简历上完全不相关的两个经历…)
我连忙解释:I really don't have specific interests, as I mentioned, TAMU provides me with a large variety of courses to choose. A/B/C are TAMU's specialities. I will find a supervisor during the first year.
VO:You are approved
我松了一口气:When can I have the visa?
VO:About a week

总结:谈话开始明确告知对方申请的项目(硕士/博士)、做不做研究,可能会引导后面问到的问题。我面签时说的不够明确,VO对我的research interest 格外感兴趣:在他看来我选择一个学校是因为某个特别的科研项目,所以当我说没有具体的研究方向时他表现出很怀疑,认为我有意隐瞒。即使没有具体的研究方向,也可以列举几个大众方向;简历写的尽可能直白,不要让VO想太多(但我不知道怎么掌握程度,会不会因为太简略而被要求提供更多信息?);VO问题比较多,回答的不够好时不要紧张,通过与不通过没有特别的前兆,要始终坚定信心。