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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The opinions of celebrities, such as certain entertainment and athletes, are more important for younger people than older people.

In this explosive information era, people are exposed to a plethora of messages and remarks that transmitted by various media. Among these views from other people, the opinions of public figures are especially appealing to us because celebrities tend to be regarded as our example models that can be learned from. Then, do the views of celebrities attach different significance to younger people and older people? My answer would be no, but not that simple.

As for the positive views of celebrities that convey the correct values to the public, both younger and older people are supposed to set considerable store by the opinions. With better access to the social network and more open-minded attitudes towards new concepts, the youth are naturally more willing to be influenced by famous people's opinions. There are numerous examples showing that younger people are encouraged and inspired by their idols' remarks. By following the celebrities' steps, many young people make their own success. Such is a desirable influence that we would like to see, which is also suitable for the seniors. Take my mother for example. "Sports make me feel younger”, the comment twittered by Li Na (the most famous tennis player in China) has motivated my mother to quit being a sedentary women but to work out at the court. My mother would not be in such a good fit now if she did not bear in mind what Li Na had said. This is a case in point that the opinions of famous people are important for older people as well as younger people.

On the other hand, people, whatever your age, should by no means accept the comments made by celebrities unconditionally. Celebrities are no exceptionally human beings like we are. They sometimes make mistakes as everybody else does. So it is irrational to agree with celebrities absolutely when the opinions are controversial or even obviously contradict to the universal values. What's more, the opinions of celebrities are not always what they mean, but just are driven by financial interests. This point is best illustrated with the example of advertisement. Using the same product suggested by the celebrity in an advertisement would not always come out in the same way. Younger people, especially children and teenagers should be more mindful of this illusion because they are less equipped with the ability to distinguish the truth compared with older and experienced people.

In conclusion, the importance of the opinions of celebrities should not be varied according to different ages. Old and young alike should cherish the positive values conveyed by celebrities while be cautious to the biased opinions.